Two weeks ago...the boys and I went strawberry picking! We went to a local berry farm.
We picked 15 quarts, and the boys had a blast doing it. Isaiah had the evidence of being in a strawberry patch across his backside!! He kept tripping over the watering hoses...and then he would land right on a strawberry...squish! Thank goodness for "Shout"...good as new!! After leaving the berry farm, we went to our local produce auction. I'm not sure what I was thinking, but I bought another 64 quarts! Yes...that's right...79 quarts of strawberries! car and house have never smelled better!! Anyhow...with help from Jeremy...we got them all done! It's kind of like the movie "Forrest Gump"(with all the different kinds of shrimp) !!! If you're ever in the area, and in the mood for strawberries...come on by!'ll get to see me too! :) What a added benefit!!
Im not sure where you learned how to do all of this canning etc. You remember my "ONE" canning wasn't good so I never tried again. Maybe someday you can teach me...if we ever make the big move!Ha The strawberries look so delicious,especially if you throw a few in the blender which Im sure you have! Take care!
Sarah - maybe you and I should get together with a few jars and some fruits and veggies...we could get Andrea on webcam, and maybe learn a thing or two! My one and only canning experience occurred in home ec class. Can't say it was too impressive! would have to know my canning experience. I was expecting Andrea...well you are not suppose to can when your with child and I did not know that. It may be an old wives tale but trust pickles went South and Fast!Ha I haven't canned since...I would like to though...just to have a positive experience with canning under my list of accomplishments!Ha Hope you guys can come down this week. I think Andrea has to leave on Thursday. What are you all doing Tuesday?
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